Za mene je ovo najbolja pizza i što dulje fermentira, to je bolja. Probala sam ju nakon dan, dva i sedam dana i ta nakon sedam dana je bila najbolja od svih! Kod topinga možete biti kreativni…
Je proces, ali vrijedi!

1. Dan, navečer nahranite starter – 35g startera, 100g vode mlake, 100g glatkog brašna
2. Dan prijepodne:
100g startera
350ml vode
10g soli
500g brašna TIP 00
Startera dodajte vodu pa promiješajte da se sjedini. Dodajte sol i brašno pa umijesite tijesto
Ostavite 30 minuta pokriveno da odmori.
Nakon 30 minuta odradite prvi strech&fold: mokrim rukama uzmete jedan kraj tijesta u posudi, razvučete prema gore pa preklapati to razvuceno jedno preko drugog natrag u posudu. Okrenete posudu do pola pa ponovite opet i tako još dva puta. To se radi kako bi se ojačalo tijesto.
*ako vam ništa nije jasno, guglajte strech&fold, imate fotke i videe online*
Strech&fold ponovite tri puta u razmaku od pola sata.
Nakon zadnjeg s&f tijesto prebacite u posudu za dizanje. Tijesto pokrijte i ostavite na toplom sve dok se ne udupla, može biti za 6, a može biti za 8h.
Nakon sto se uduplalo, podijelite ga na 4 jednaka djela, formirajte u loptice i pospremite ih u odvojene posudice s poklopcem. U hladnjak stavite preko noći, a možete i do tri tj. pustiti da fermentira.
Tijesto iz hladnjaka formirajte i pecite kao i inače.
Ja sam pekla u Glowenu na 350C, minutu i pol.
Sourdough pizza
For me, this is the best pizza and the longer it ferments, the better it is. I tried it after one, two and seven days and the one after seven days was the best of all! You can be creative with toppings…
It’s a process, but it’s worth it!
1. Day, feed the starter in the evening – 35g of starter, 100g of lukewarm water, 100g of smooth flour
2. Day in the morning:
100g of starter
350 ml of water
10g of salt
500g flour TYPE 00
Add water to the starter and stir to combine. Add salt and flour and knead the dough
Leave covered for 30 minutes to rest.
After 30 minutes, do the first stretch&fold: with wet hands, take one end of the dough in the bowl, stretch it upwards, then fold it back into the bowl. You turn the bowl halfway, then repeat again and so two more times. This is done to strengthen the dough.
*if you don’t understand anything, google strech&fold, you have photos and videos online*
Repeat the stretch&fold three times in half an hour.
After the last s&f, transfer the dough to the rising bowl. Cover the dough and leave it in a warm place until it doubles, it can be in 6, or it can be in 8 hours.
doubled, divide it into 4 equal parts, form them into balls and store them in separate containers with lids. Put it in the fridge overnight, or you can let it ferment for up to three.
Form the dough from the refrigerator and bake as usual.
I baked mine in Glowen, at 350 for 1:30 min!